Monday, July 8, 2013


During the Soviet invasion, occupation and ultimate attempt at regime installation in Afghanistan in 1979, the new American Administration, as many know, supported and supplied the Mujahedeen there with weapons and various other supports in its effort to dislodge the Soviets. It worked, in the end, but the country then degenerated into chaos until the Taliban (mostly comprised of former Mujahedeen) took over (and the rest is history; again, bit was the hand that was fed). In science, there is the axiom that “every action has an equal and opposite reaction;” so too in political spheres; that is, your actions often result in an equal and opposite reaction (from that which you sought).

Friday, July 5, 2013

Religious Artifacts recovered during the Iraq War(?).

Why would the US government keep important religious artifacts from not only the American people, but from the world at large, no matter what said material contained? I will soon try to answer this.