Thursday, June 27, 2013


Throughout the 1980's one particular administration envoy helped Saddam acquire the chemical weapons he later used on his own people. Some analysts at the time advised against arming Saddam because he was unstable and would, without hesitation, use these weapons on his own people to quell any challenge to his regime. The administration ruled that that was not of concern because Saddam was “our boy,” we could control him, and Iran was our number one enemy. This same envoy, two decades later, became a high-ranking administration official who cried "monster" as he made the case for invasion. As soon as Saddam refused to “play ball” with us, he had to go. LESSON: bitten was that hand that fed.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I have been listening to this NSA debate with some curiosity at how “shocked” people are in thinking that this has only recently been happening. I have news for everyone; J. Edgar Hoover tapped citizens’ (that is right) citizens’ phones (without a court order), throughout his tenure. He put a tape recorder under Dr. Martin Luther King’s bed. He had files on JFK (and many American citizens).

No, this NSA revelation is amusing to me. Having worked in foreign affairs, American citizens would be dismayed with what their government has been doing, all in the name of preserving American democracy. No, actually; all in the name of preserving the “State,” (with a capital “S”).

In any event, I will be updating this blog periodically with interesting “tidbits” of intrigue about what has been going on. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's), sometimes called, "Front Companies," are widely used to conduct foreign affairs for governments under the radar.  They could be as simple as the tourist trinket booth in a bazaar, or a larger company that distributes fruit. In any event, these organizations are used to provide cover and deniability for governments. All governments use these entities. They were widely used during the Cold War by the super-powers, but are still used to conduct affairs in the new global world order.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Welcome to S. Milsap Thorpe's Blog

I will be updating this blog regularly about international issues, particularly issues in the Middle East. I have a novel based on events during the Irag War coming out soon. Please check back. To review my credentails, please read my profile description to the right of this page. Thank you for visiting.